MOVE (Mobility for Vesicles Research in Europe) European Mobility Fellowships 2023 – presented by EV societies and networks across Europe! For more information, see the MOVE page.
FISEV Journal Club: an actively ongoing discussion forum in Finland!
FISEV Journal Club is a forum for EV enthusiasts to discuss about all EV-related matters, including recent publications, latest developments in technology, and even experimental settings. The biweekly online event strives to be a friendly, interactive discussion group between colleagues, so if you got interested, please contact for more information!
Past Activities
Biomedical data analysis course focused specifically on microbiome data, where newly-developed algorithm specifically to analyze data from microbiome-derived EVs is presented. 20.-23.6.2022, Oulu, Finland.
Cancer and Extracellular Vesicles Summer Shool, 1.-2.6.2022 Kuopio Finland. Read more.