MOVE Fellowship
The Extracellular Vesicle societies across Europe have gotten together to form MOVE (MObility for Vesicles research in Europe) and one of their aims is to give early-stage scientists the opportunity to work in a lab in a different European country.

The purpose of the MOVE European Mobility Fellowship is to foster collaboration between the members of different European EV Societies and Networks. The Fellowship will enable Early Career Researchers (the applicants) to travel to another lab in Europe (the hosts) to develop both their technical skills and enlarge their own professional networks.
The Fellowship is intended for PhD students and early-stage postdoctoral researchers (≤ five years, excluding career breaks) and technicians.
Applicants need to be members of their national EV society or network and the head of the hosting lab will be a current member of their national EV society or network.
The Fellowship is for travel and housing (but not bench fees) to work within a host lab at an academic institution in a different European country for between one and three months. The first FISEV fellowship(s) for 2024 are meant for a research visit, which will be completed and reported by 15.12. 2024. The value awarded will depend on the number of awarded fellowships – in total for 2023 FISEV will award max. €2000 (e.g., one larger or few smaller fellowships to increase the coverage).
1. Look up host labs registered with the project link here.
2. Plan a project and justified cost breakdown including total cost and self-funding part*. Details of the application and project plan here.
3. Contact the host lab directly to discuss your proposed project.
4. Apply for the fellowship through the FISEV email (Title line should say MOVE application) and be sent by the 1.12.2023 23:59.
5. The applications will be reviewed by three independent reviewers of the FISEV board. (If an application is from the reviewer’s own laboratory, they are excluded from the review process of that application).
6. The awardees will be notified by 31.12.2023 by email.
7. Each awardee is required to report the progress and outcomes of the MOVE fellowship period in writing (instructions here) by the given data and in a next suitable FISEV Science Club with a 20 min presentation.
*Please note that plans where there is also self-funding allocated will be preferentially treated.
Please note, the intellectual properties, non-disclosure agreements and data ownership is held with the host labs and we recommend the home lab of the participant and the foreign host lab come to an agreement on these matters.
Good luck with your applications!