Tervetuloa Ihmisen terveys luonnosta: Ruokatuotannon ja ympäristöterveyden yhteys -tapahtumaan 25.9.2024!
Paikka: Stage, Tiedekulma, Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki
Tilaisuutta on myös mahdollista seurata etänä Tiedekulman verkkosivulla.
Aika: 25.9.2024 klo 13:00-15:00 (16:00)
Tilaisuus on kaikille avoin.
Tästä linkistä saat lisätietoa tapahtumasta ja ohjelmasta.

2nd MOVE Symposium, 8-11 October 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
The biggest meeting dedicated to extracellular vesicles (EVs) in Europe this year – 2nd MOVE Symposium – will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 8-11 October.
Abstract submissions and registrations are open and the deadline is on July 5. Please visit this link for registration and abstract submission: Note that FISEV offers a limited number of travel grants of €500 for members who are participating and have had their abstracts accepted. See our News page for more information on the grant.
Comprehensive program and inspiring keynote speakers await!
Don’t miss this chance to get a first-hand insight into what are hot-topics in the EVs field, to meet fellow EVians from all over Europe, and to learn about state-of-the-art tools directly from the manufacturers!

ISEV Workshop on Blood EVs, 4-6 September in Seoul, South Korea
You are cordially invited to participate in the ISEV Education Day, “Understanding blood EVs and their clinical application”, organized together with the Korean Society for Extracellular Vesicles (KSEV). This event will be held virtually on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, from 9 AM to 5.30 PM local time (Seoul, South Korea) and is free-of-charge. Please check the program below.
Please register here until Sunday, Sept. 1, end of day:
After registering, you will receive the Zoom information on Monday, Sept. 2.

6-7 September 2024, Riga, Latvia

ISEV 1st Symposium on EVs in Nervous Systems: Late Breaking Abstract submission until November 7!
The ISEV symposium “Extracellular Vesicles in Nervous Systems” aims to discuss key challenges in:
· understanding the biogenesis, secretion, and roles of EVs in the nervous system
· how to reliably develop EV-based biomarkers for research on neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases
· understanding the role of EVs in communication between the brain and the periphery
· current state of EVs as therapeutics for nervous systems diseases
· emerging technologies in the nervous system field
Given the specific structure and function of neuronal circuits, this symposium will also include talks and posters that cover striking advances on neurobiology and neurotransmission, and that are important for the study of EVs in the context of nervous systems.
The in-person meeting will be held in Rome (Italy) from 6 to 8 December 2023, at the beautiful venue A.ROMA conference center. The meeting will start on Wednesday 6 December at 8:00 am and will finish on Friday 8 December at 2:00 pm. The meeting will feature talks by leading experts in the field, short talks selected from abstracts, poster sessions and panel discussions. There will also be ample time in the program for networking. The preliminary program will be available soon.
Late Breaking Abstracts
This meeting will feature state-of-the-art presentations, interactive panel discussions and poster presentations. The program will be built from abstracts, so we encourage the registrants to submit their latest work. Abstracts will be reviewed by an expert panel and selected for oral or poster presentation.
You must be registered to submit an abstract.
Late breaking abstract submission is open until 7 November, 2023.
Please note that we are only accepting poster submissions in the late breaking abstract submission period.
Submit your abstract here.
1) Research School: Basics to work with Extracellular Vesicles. Application is now closed.
2) Annual Conference: Converging EV research in all domains of life towards understanding their potential functional applications.
Registration deadline is August 15th!

Registration and abstract submission here: Deadline is July 31st.
Invisible world made visible
Argumenta Healthy environment – healthy people workshop on extracellular vesicles
Monday, 19th June 2023 at University of Oulu Science Garden (Kaitoväylä 5, Oulu)
Zoom link available by request to:
For more details and the program, see below or visit the event page.
National EVE Consortium Seminar / May 2, 2023

Welcome to National EVE Consortium Seminar!
“Extracellular Vesicles in Finland”
Organized by Co-Innovation Consortium EVE,
in collaboration with FISEV
Place: Tampere, Hotel Rosenthal
Time: Tuesday 2.5.2023 from 12.00 to 18.00 EET
Free participation at place is limited to 50 persons and registration is obligatory.
Possibility to participate online via TEAMS for additional 100 persons.
TEAMS link will be delivered to all registered.
Deadline to register is 25.4.2023
Preliminary Program
12:00-12.20 OPENING WORDS
How we created the national network to empower the research and development in EV field in Finland to reach the global biomedical market potential
Professor Marjo Yliperttula, UH and R&D Manager Saara Laitinen, FRC Blood Service
12:20-12:50 Introduction to EVs – state of the art tools (Pia Siljander, University of Helsinki EV Group)
12:50-13:20 Blood as a source of EVs – Diagnostic value of EVs (Arto Mannermaa, BBEF)
13:20 -13:50 Neurological diseases and EVs (Tarja Malm, UEF)
13:50-14:20 Microfluidics and immunodetection for discovery (Leena Hakalahti, VTT)
14:20-14:40 How animal free scaffolds help living therapy development by UPM-Kymmene (Johana Kuncova-Kallio, UPM)
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00-15:30 Need for novel tools to study characteristics, targeting and uptake mechanisms of EVs (Tapani Viitala, UH)
15:30-15:50 Time-gated Raman from nano- to pico-scale in EV research (Jacopo Zini, TGI)
15:50-16:10 Surface plasmon resonance for label free analyses of the functionality (Sanna Auer, Bionavis)
16.10-16.30 COFFEE BREAK
16:30-17:00 Development of better labelling techniques for EV research (Elina Vuorimaa-Laukkanen, TAU)
17:00-17:20 Enhanced sensitivity – future of upconverting technologies (Jarkko Karvonen, Kaivogen)
17:20-17:40 How to study BBB in functionalised models of human brain (Prateek Singh, Finnadvance)
17:40-18:00 Orion Pharma – a builder of well-being in Finland (Jouko Levijoki, Orion)
18:00-18:15 FRC Blood Service – paving the way for cell-based therapies (Saara Laitinen, FRCBS)
18.15 Closing words
19:00- Dinner (own expense / estimate 65€)<<

2nd Virtual Symposium on Urinary EVs
Registration is open until February 14th, 2023 and is free for junior researchers.
Welcome to the 2nd FISEV Seminar
February 6th, 2023, at 9.00 – 17.00 EET
University of Eastern Finland, Snellmania, Seminar room sn210
Yliopistonranta 1, 70210 Kuopio.
Hybrid event will be free of charge to all FISEV Members.
The second FISEV seminar organized by the Finnish Society of Extracellular Vesicles is open to all interested in extracellular vesicle research and it offers excellent possibility for Finnish research teams to report they research and network. We encourage all to join either at place in Kuopio or virtually through TEAMS.
We have the honor to welcome Professor Susanne Gabrielsson from Karolinska Institute as a Keynote Speaker. In addition, leading Finnish scientists in EV field will share their visions on timely topics while our sponsor companies will share their latest advances in product development.
If you want to contribute to FISEV seminar as presenter, please send the 2500-character abstract at the time of registration through the link below. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 25.1.2023.
Registration for the seminar through the following link
Seminar price for non FISEV members 35 €. FISEV members are free of charge.
To confirm your registration, please make the payment with following information:
IBAN FI60 5780 3820 1851 62, BIC OKOYFIHH. Include the message text to the payment “FISEV2023, NAME(S) OF REGISTERING PERSON(S)”.
The number of on-site participants is limited to 50. Rest of the interested can participate via Teams. The link will be sent by 5.2.2023 by email.
STATUTORY ANNUAL MEETING will be held in TEAMS February 5th, 2023, 18.00 EET. Link to the TEAMS meeting and agenda will be sent to all members by email.
2nd FISEV Seminar – program
Date: 6.2.2023
Place: University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus, Snellmania building, room Sn210
9:00-9:10 Opening words by the President of FISEV Saara Laitinen
CATEGORIZING EVs (Chair: Tarja Malm)
9:10-9:30 Welcome lecture: “Correlative light and electron microscopy in EV research” by Kirsi Rilla
9:30-10:30 Keynote lecture: “Extracellular vesicles for cancer immunotherapy” by Professor Susanne Gabrielsson, Karolinska Institutet
10.30-10.45 Finnadvance (sponsor talk): “A microfluidic platform to assess the transport and delivery of extracellular vesicles” by Sebastien Mosser
10:45-11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:30 “Why we need to develop functional EV assays: case platelet” by Pia Siljander
11:30-11:45 “Estrogen deficiency caused by menopause blunts acute exercise-induced circulating microRNA response in extracellular vesicles” by Sira Karvinen
11:45-12.00 “Adipocytes alleviate obesity-induced inflammation and metabolic disturbance via increased secretion of extracellular vesicles” by Johanna Matilainen
12:00-12:15 “Extracellular vesicles derived from proinflammatory macrophages induce inflammatory and invasive responses in melanoma cells” by Kaisa Mäki-Mantila
12:15-12:30 ONI (sponsor talk): “Profiling of EV populations and single EVs with the Nanoimager, a benchtop super-resolution microscope” by Lara Laparra
12:30-13:15 Lunch break (at canteen at own cost)
13:15-13:45 “Extracellular vesicles and liquid biopsy sampling on anti-cancer therapy response evaluation” by Arto Mannermaa
13:45-14:00 “Validation of surface protein and capture tools for downstream analysis of astrocyte derived EVs” by Genevieve Bart
14:00-14:15 “Identifying glucose deprivation associated EV based miRNA changes in MCF7 breast cancer cells and their subsequent role in cancer pathogenesis” by Saket Ahuja
14:15-14:30 “Advanced fluorescence microscopies for drug delivery studies” by Elina Vuorimaa-Laukkanen
14:30-14:45 NanoFCM (sponsor talk): “NanoAnalyzer: Combining flow cytometry & particle analysis to meet the challenges of the nano-scale” by Alice Law
14:45-15:00 Coffee
EV BASED THERAPIES (Chair: Sanna Pasonen-Seppänen)
15:00-15:30 ”The Great Balls on Fire – EV Sparkle of Life, Disease and Therapies” by Seppo Vainio
15:30-15:45 “CD44 mediates interactions of hyaluronan-coated extracellular vesicles with target cells” by Heikki Kyykallio
15:45-16:00 “Platelet and red blood cell concentrate derived extracellular vesicles targeting into different immune cells” by Petra Ilvonen
16:00-16:15 “Time-gated Raman spectroscopy and proteomics analyses of hypoxic and normoxic renal carcinoma extracellular vesicles” by Anatoliy Samoylenko
16:15-16:30 Luminex (sponsor talk): “Amnis CCD Based Flow Cytometry for High-Sensitivity EV Analysis” by Owen Hughes
16:30-16:45 Wrapping up the meeting
FINDOS Winter Symposium 2022 on Oral Mucosal Diseases and Extracellular Vesicles, 24-25 November 2022
On-site at Meilahti campus of the University of Helsinki/ virtual attendance also possible.
Register at
Detailed program can be viewed below.
METVES II Workshop on the standardization of extracellular vesicle concentration measurements. 24 November, 11.30 AM – 5.30 PM Finnish time. Register at to receive link for virtual meeting.
Keystone Conference on Extracellular vesicles, October 30th – November 2nd 2022, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Abstract submissions and registration are still open! The event program can be found below.

Blood EVs: An ISEV Workshop
1st – 2nd September 2022, with Educational Day on 31st August
“Blood EVs” is an ISEV Workshop on all things related to extracellular vesicles of blood: how to obtain, profile, and use them. The event will be held in Helsinki, Finland, from 1-2 September 2022 and will be preceded by an Education Day on 31 August. The Workshop will be in-person only, and participants have already been selected and notified. However, there will be a virtual option for Education Day. If you would like to participate virtually in the Education Day, please register here:
This Blood EVs Educational Day is endorsed by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
View the full program below. Short talks and roundtable discussions will revolve around four themes:
Day 1. Blood EVs as biomarkers
- Roundtable 1: Blood as matrix, choosing the sample analytics
- Roundtable 2: Development of diagnostics, towards clinical feasibility
Day 2. Blood EVs as therapeutics
- Roundtable 3: Decades of knowledge in transfusion medicine: benefits and disadvantages of blood EVs
- Roundtable 4: Regulation of novel blood-based nanomedicines
Only ISEV members may attend the Workshop; if you have been invited and are not a member, please visit to sign up. A poll on EV practices will be sent out in advance of the meeting.
Workshop Chairs and Organizing Committee
Saara Laitinen
Pia Siljander
Metka Lenassi
Ken Witwer
Rienk Nieuwland
Minh Le
Kai Härkönen
Full Program
Educational Day
Wednesday 31.8.2022
“Getting blood-derived EVs into the clinics”
Moderator Rienk Nieuwland, Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam & Pia Siljander, University of Helsinki
9:00-9.20 General welcome to the Educational day & Blood EV workshop (Saara Laitinen, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service & Pia Siljander, University of Helsinki)
9:20-9:50 Introduction to blood EVs (Rienk Nieuwland, Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam)
9:50-10:20 Blood as a source of EVs (Edit Buzás, Semmelweis University)
10:20- 10.50 Detection methods for EVs in blood (Ken Witwer, John Hopkins University)
10:50-11:20 BREAK
11:20-11:50 Pre-analytical considerations for blood collection and processing in translational and clinical EV research (Fabrice Lucien-Matteoni, Mayo Clinic)
11:50- 12:20 A clinician’s perspective on blood EV biomarkers (Aleksandra Gasecka, Medical University of Warsaw & Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam)
12:20-13:05 Company presentations (Izon, ParticleMetrix, TimeGate Instruments, BioNavis, Carmine Therapeutics)
LUNCH 13-14:00
14.00-14:30 Reference values of blood EVs (Metka Lenassi, University of Ljubljana)
14:30-15:00 Approaching clinical feasibility with EV flow cytometry (Edwin van der Pol, Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam)
15:00- 15:20 Company presentations (Luminex, Sartorius)
15:20-15:50 BREAK
15:50-16.20 Heterogeneous platelet-EVs: theranostic opportunities? (Pia Siljander, University of Helsinki)
16:20-16:50 Post-isolation modifications of EVs for therapeutic purposes (Minh Le, National University of Singapore)
16:50-17:20 Summary and discussion (Rienk Nieuwland, Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam)
17:20-18:00 Results of the attendant survey & the blood EV analyses by participating technologies
19.00 Welcome reception at the Botanic gardens
DAY 1 Program Blood EVs – matrix prerequisites & technologies & biomarkers
Thursday 1.9.2022
Moderators Pia Siljander (University of Helsinki) & Edit Buzás (Semmelweis University) & Rienk Nieuwland (Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam) & Lorraine O’Driscoll (Trinity College)
9:00-9:10 Introduction to working in the workshops, Pia Siljander
9:10-9:25 Introduction to the topic: Blood as a source of EVs Part I (Edit Buzás & Rienk Nieuwland)
9:25 Comparison of collection tubes and processing intervals for extracellular vesicle analysis in blood (An Hendrix, Ghent University)
9:35 Influence of isolation and anticoagulant on analysis of plasma-derived EVs by imaging flow cytometry (Tobias Tertel, University Hospital Essen)
9:45 Characterization of platelet-derived extracellular vesicle subpopulations (Johanna Puutio, University of Helsinki)
9:55 Plasma EV ID: Fluorescence-based phenotyping of blood-borne extracellular vesicles (Danilo Mladenovic, Tallinn University)
10:05-10:20 questions
5 minutes break
10:25 Label-free detection and characterization of single sub-micrometer particles in plasma of prostate cancer patients (Agustin Enciso-Martinez, Leiden University Medical Center)
10:35 Stratification of Breast cancer risk by Raman Spectroscopy characterization of Extracellular Vesicles (Lorena Signati, University of Milan)
10:45 Optimization of mutational analysis workflow using next-generation sequencing on plasma derived extracellular vesicles (Rebekka van Hoof, Flemish Institute for Technological Research)
10:55-11:10 questions
11:10-11:15 Break and organization into three roundtables
11:15-12:30 Roundtable discussions (60’+ 15’ wrap-up in writing by the moderators)
Topics will raise organically from the participants/ electronic platform or by the chairs, for example
- What do we need to consider regarding blood EV pre-analytics, isolation, analytics, applications
- What do we not understand yet?
Table 1 Moderators: Rienk Nieuwland/Pia Siljander
Table 2 Moderators: John Nolan/Edwin van der Pol
Table 3 Moderators: An Hendrix/Metka Lenassi
LUNCH 12:30-13:30
13:30-14:00 Highlights from the morning discussions by roundtable moderators (3 x 5 minutes & audience)
14:00-14:15 Introduction to the topic: Biomarker applications of the blood EV surface Part I
(Lorraine O’Driscoll, Trinity College)
14:10 Blood EV protein corona: the opening of a new biomarker discovery landscape? (Annalisa Radeghieri, University of Brescia/CSGI, Florence)
14:20 Tumour-derived DNA is enriched as short fragments associated with extracellular vesicles (Daniel Hagey, Karolinska Institutet)
14:30 The HLA-I immunopeptidome of blood EV -detection of clinically relevant peptides (Simon Powis, University of St. Andrews)
14:40-14:55 Questions
14:55-15:25 COFFEE
Biomarker applications of the blood EV surface Part II
15:25 Methods comparison for plasma-derived EVs isolation to perform proteomics analysis (Sandrine Reymond, University of Geneva)
15:35 Identification of B-cell signatures in plasma EVs from pediatric BCP-ALL patients (Marit Inngjerdingen, Oslo University Hospital)
15:45 Circulating extracellular vesicles provide valuable protein biomarkers in metastatic breast cancer (Lorena Martin-Jaular, Institut Curie)
15.45-16:00 questions
10 minutes break & moving to roundtables
16:10-17:25 Roundtable discussions (60’+ 15’ wrap-up in writing by the moderators)
Topics will raise organically from the participants/ electronic platform or by the chairs
Table 1 Moderators Lorraine O’Driscoll/Natasha Zavroni
Table 2 Moderators Annalisa Radeghieri/Mari Palviainen
Table 3 Moderators Fabrice Lucien-Matteoni/ Lorena Martin-Jaular
5 minutes break & moving to main hall
17:30-18:00 Highlights shared from the afternoon discussions (3 x 5 min & audience)
DAY 2 Program Blood EVs as Therapeutics
Friday 2.9.2022
Moderators Minh Le & Saara Laitinen
9.00-9.30 Introduction to topics: Blood as a therapeutic EV source and in delivery of EV-therapy
Standing on the shoulders of giants, decades of transfusion & blood cell therapy (Saara Laitinen, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service)
Potential therapeutic applications of blood cell derived EVs (Minh Le, National University of Singapore)
9.30 Using plasma derived EVs as drug delivery vehicles (Maria Chiara Ferri, University of Genova)
9.40 Delivery of therapeutic mRNA via extracellular vesicles to express soluble proteins (Muhammed Nawaz, University of Gothenburg)
9.50 Development of designed targeting peptides for EV (Sujaan Das, Crane Biosciences)
10-10:15 questions & discussion
10.15 Developing drug delivery RBCEVs produced from preloaded RBC (Diana Piedrahita, Erytech Pharma)
10.25 Characterising safety and efficacy of RBC-EV as therapeutic delivery vehicles for retinal degenerations (Rakshanya Sekar, Australia National University)
10.35 Using RBC-EVs as drug delivery particles (Don Haut, Carmine Therapeutics)
10:45- 11:00 questions
11.00-11.15 Break and organization into three roundtables
Suggestions for roundtable discussion topics in addition to those which are raised organically
- Standing on the shoulders of giants, decades of transfusion knowledge
- Why and what we should consider?
- Benefits and disadvantages of using RBC-EVs as therapeutics
- Technologies for loading and targeting of RBC EVs
- Blood group and tissue type: challenge or opportunity?
- The effect of blood components on delivering EV
- Blood – friendly highway or hostile environment?
- The effect of processing and storage on EVs
11.15-13.00 Roundtable discussions
Roundtable 1 Red blood cell -derived nanobiotechnology
Moderators Minh Le & Kai Härkönen
Roundtable 2 Different blood cell derived EVs for therapy development
Moderators Saara Laitinen & Ulla Impola
Roundtable 3 Lessons learned from blood EVs: is there advantage?
Moderators Edith Buzás & Pia Siljander
LUNCH 13.00 – 14.00
14.00-15.00 Wrap-up the Roundtables (Big hall)
15.00 Coffee
15.30-17:00 Summary of the Workshop Days 1 & 2
Moderators: Saara Laitinen & Pia Siljander & Rienk Nieuwland
Wrap up of the three days into deliverables
- Impact and considerations of technological choices on blood EV isolation, detection and analyses (data from blood EVs and sponsor analytics, survey, roundtable outcomes)
- Therapeutic use of blood cell -derived EVs
What should we have discussed and what next?
Welcome to the 1st FISEV Seminar
15th February 2022 at 9.00 – 16.00 EET
Online event will be free of charge to all FISEV Members
This 1st seminar organized by Finnish Society of Extracellular Vesicles is open to all interested in extracellular vesicle research and it offers excellent possibility for Finnish research teams and companies to network. We encourage all to join this newly formed network of nanobiotechnology to accelerate Finnish contribution to this field. Seminar consists of three sessions: EV imaging, EVs in pathophysiology and the development of EV based therapies. Leading Finnish scientists in EV field will share their visions on these timely topics while our sponsor companies will share their latest advances in product development.
If you want to contribute to FISEV seminar as presenter, please send the 2500 character abstract of your presentation to The deadline for abstracts is 31.1.2022.
Registration for the seminar through the link. Registration deadline 10.2.2022.
Seminar price for non FISEV members 35 €.
FISEV members are free of charge.
To confirm your registration, please make the payment with following information: IBAN FI60 5780 3820 1851 62, BIC OKOYFIHH. Include the message text to the payment “FISEV2022, PAID PERSONS”.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the seminar will be held in TEAMS and the participant number is limited to 200.
The 1st FISEV seminar programme
9.00 Opening words
Pia Siljander, University of Helsinki
9.10 Introducing the Finnish Society of Extracellular Vesicles
Saara Laitinen, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service
9.30 KEYNOTE: Engineering extracellular vesicles for targeted drug delivery
Samir El Andaloussi, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
SESSION 1: Extracellular vesicles in physiology and pathophysiology
Chair Tarja Malm, University of Eastern Finland
10.15 Extracellular vesicles in physiology and neuropathology
Tarja Malm, University of Eastern Finland
10.30 Extracellular vesicles in ischemic stroke
Nea Korvenlaita, University of Eastern Finland
10.45 Sponsor session: NanoFCM
10.55 Transcriptome of brain-dead donor plasma extracellular vesicles – A new perspective on the physiological consequences after brain death
SeoJeong Joo, University of Helsinki
11.10 Sponsor session: HansaBioMed Life Sciences
11.20 BREAK
SESSION 2: Extracellular vesicle imaging
Chair Kirsi Rilla, University of Eastern Finland
11.30 Extracellular Vesicles Under the Microscope – Is Seeing Believing?
Kirsi Rilla, University of Eastern Finland
11.50 Time-resolved fluorescence microscopy studies on cellular up-take of extracellular vesicles
Elina Vuorimaa-Laukkanen, Tampere University
12.05 Arctic exposomes flavoring nature derived exosomes
Feby Pratiwi, Oulu University
12.20 LUNCH with a possibility to network in seminar themed breakout rooms
13.00 Sponsor session: ONI
SESSION 3: Extracellular vesicles in therapy development
Chair Seppo Vainio, Oulu University
13.10 Can we learn to harvest the value of the garden of extracellular vesicles?
Seppo Vainio, Oulu University
13.30 A quick pipeline to obtain extracellular vesicles from cancer spheroids using nanocellulose
Heikki Kyykallio, University of Eastern Finland
13.45 Sponsor Session: Finnadvance
13.55 Piecing together the big picture: Novel detection methods for total extracellular vesicle populations in EVE Consortium
Johanna Puutio, University of Helsinki
14.10 Sponsor session: Wyatt
14.20 BREAK
14.30 Ultracentrifugation used in combination with filtration to isolate the small extracellular vesicles from the cell culture supernatant fraction
Ilana Chefetz, University of Minnesota, USA
14.45 Sponsor session: KDBio
14.55 OPEN DISCUSSION: “EVians in Finland“
Sami Valkonen, University of Helsinki & University of Eastern Finland
15.30 FISEV reminder & closing remarks
Saara Laitinen, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service
Pia Siljander, University of Helsinki