The Finnish Society of Extracellular vesicles (FISEV) is pleased to announce the opening of the call for applications by FISEV members for three (3) 500€ travel grants to participate in the 2nd MOVE symposium in Belgrade, Serbia during 8-11.10.2024 (NOTE! Abstract deadline 5th July 2024). MOVE is an active consortium of European National EV Societies to foster Mobility for Vesicles research in Europe. The deadline for the FISEV travel grant application is 7.8.2024 and should include the applicant’s name, affiliation, contact details, a short justification (in total max. 1 page) and an approved abstract for the MOVE symposium in Belgrade. The grant decisions are made by the board of FISEV, and the grant recipients will be notified by 12.8.2024.
View more details for this symposium in our Meetings page.
Archived News
ProteiNext 2024: Extracellular Vesicles Symposium on 12th June 2024
Hosted by Wiley, this is a free 24-hour global virtual symposium featuring EV scientists all across the world! Register for free here:
More details also available at above link. Agenda can be found below, pay attention to time zones!
Welcome to EV research webinar on Friday 17th May at 12.00-14.45, organized by the OH-BOOST EU Twinning project of University of Helsinki and the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Visit the webinar webpage for more information:

FISEV together with ‘Argumenta – Healthy human and healthy environment’ invites you to join us for the Annual FISEV meeting in Oulu from February 5th – 6th, 2024. For more information, visit the meeting page.

Welcome to National EVE Consortium Seminar!
“Extracellular Vesicles in Finland”
One of the founding organizations of the Finnish National Society of Extracellular Vesicles has been the EVE Consortium.
This Consortium funded by Business Finland Co-Innovation tool from 2019 onwards is now turning to its completion.
The EVE Consortium and its 13 partners present their research activities in cell-based therapies, especially those involving EVs.
We invite all interested to this free-of-charge seminar to Hotel Rosenthal, Tampere, on Tuesday, 2nd May 2023 from 12.00 to 18.00 EET.
Free participation at place is limited to 50 persons and registration is obligatory.
There is a possibility to participate online via TEAMS for additional 100 persons.
TEAMS link will be delivered to all registered as remote participant.
Deadline to register is 25.4.2023
See preliminary program at
2nd FISEV Seminar on February 6, 2023 organized at UEF Kuopio and also hybrid.
Abstract deadline on 25 January! More details on Meetings page.
Two new publications from FISEV members in the European Journal of Cell Biology, Special issue on EVs and Cell Biology (editors Dr. María Yáñez-Mó and Dr. Pia Siljander):
Reproducibility of extracellular vesicle research
Microscopic characterization reveals the diversity of EVs secreted by GFP-HAS3 expressing MCF7 cells
In sickness and in health: The functional role of extracellular vesicles in physiology and pathology in vivo. J Extracell Ves 2022 Vol 11 issue 1.
e12151 (Part I health and normal physiology)
e12190 (Part II pathology)
HansaBioMed and Finnish Red Cross Blood Service have initiated collaboration to accelerate life science sector development by blood cell derived extracellular vesicles. Read more.
Hiukkasissa piilee suuri mahdollisuus – Vesikkelit voivat toimia syövän biomarkkereina, Mediuutiset.
The Blood Service and HansaBioMed Life Sciences sign a letter of intent for product development collaboration on extracellular vesicles
Kirsi Rilla, Diverse plasma membrane protrusions act as platforms for EV shedding (
Pia Siljander & Mari Palviainen, serum and plasma EVs, anticoagulants, and the EV protein corona (
Seppo Vainio, Hiki välittää huomaamattomia viestejä kehostamme (
Open position for Master’s Thesis worker in a collaborative EV project between VTT and EV Core at University of Helsinki. Read for more information: webpage and pdf.
Collaborative effort of Finnish and Polish Proteomics Societies dedicated to discuss the proteome of EVs. Read for more information.
Pia Siljander presented a talk on EV heterogeneity as an invited speaker in the Hybrid EV Symposium “EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES IN PATHOPHYSIOLOGY” – New advances in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in health and disease, Tartu, Estonia 27.8.2021.
The power of imaging to understand extracellular vesicle biology in vivo. Nature Methods vol 18, p. 1013–1026 (2021)
Announcement of the initiation of Business Finland-funded EV Ecosystem for Theranostic Platforms (EVE) combining Finnish academy and industry.
Funding announcement of Academy of Finland-funded GeneCellNano-flagship project combining Finnish gene, cell, and nanotherapy researchers.